Monday 13 April 2015

Friday 6 March 2015

Album cover

The image used of Katy Perry is to show her innocent side. The high key lighting helps to empathize this side to her. Also the positioning of her hand on her chin looks seductive because she is also staring into the camera, trying to draw the audience in. The use of the flowers in the background help to show that Katy Perry is innocent, this might mean that the target audience for the album is at a teenage age bracket. The title of the album is called 'PRISM' the font is in white lines and not completely covered in. This font has a relation to the title because the Lines suggest barriers in a prison cell and because the title is called 'PRISM' this has a relation. The artist name is at the top of the album which can suggest that she wants to be the most important part of the album by having her name at the top.

The back of the album cover shows more attitude in the face of Katy Perry. This is because she has got her hands crossed over and is looking at the camera in a moody way. However the Rainbow and the high key lighting and flowers which surround her contrast the attitude which Katy Perry is showing. This is because flowers are meant to be a happy thing and a gift to somebody. The titles of the album are positioned in a triangle surrounding the artist. The back of the album has also got the record label and who has published the album.

The image used of 50 cent shows aggression, anger and passion. This suggests that the song is going to come from the heart and all the lyrics which are heard in the songs 50 cent is going to mean it. The shattered glass in the image also suggests that he has smashed it which can also mean he smashed the album with the music which is on there. The lack of clothing and the tattoos and big chain around his neck are stereotypes of a traditional gangster. The title of the album is in a really small font which suggests that he wants the image to be the main focus on the album. The artists name on the album is on the right hand side of the screen in a reasonable size text for the audience to notice. The red and black background cover suggest danger and to back this up is that parental advise is needed to listen to the video.
This is the back cover to the 50 cent album cover. 'Get Rich Or Die Tryin'. This image shows that the artist is always looking over his back because of the lifestyle that he lives, for example the title of the album 'Get Rich Or Die Tryin' suggests danger. Also the fact that he is a gangster backs this up. The tattoo in the image tells me that he has a story to tell and that is why the tattoo is portrayed in the image. The titles of the songs are in a column form in small writing which suggests that he wants the image to be the vocal point of the back cover. The title at the bottom executive producers " DR.DRE and EMINEM" is put on the album to show that he is working with the biggest stars in the industry.

Feedback Evaluation

This video is feedback evaluation we received from our audience.
The question which we are answering is 'How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research and planning in the evaluation stages'.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Rock video analyse

The editing in this video is fast paced editing. The video also shows a narrative which is of a rock star travelling on tour looking for love. The editing is also montage editing this is because it changes different locations from each shot. Its also has more than 3 locations in the music video which is a convention of a music video.

Low Key Lighting
Low key lighting is a constant theme throughout the music video which is a typical convention of a rock music video because we associate rock with the colour Black and other dark colours. The title 'Use Somebody' can also link in with the low key lighting because it suggests that the song is about somebody who needs help and is in a dark place.

Camera Shots
The camera shots in the video are very mixed and not always focused on the main artist. However when the artist is lip synching the shots are close ups of the artist to show the emotion and passion of what the song means to him. The music video is showing a narrative which means that it is like a movie and that the music video helps show us what the song means,.

The costumes in the music video are of a typical rock music video, with the artists wearing dark colours, Black, Dark grey in the video to create the rock convention in the video. The costume is very important because it helps set the scene in the music video, because if the artists were wearing bright colours the video wouldn't be a rock video.

Conventions of a music video

Lip synching
Lip synching is one of the most important conventions which occur in a music video. This is because the artist is singing the lyrics which are in the video. Lip synching is to make it look like thge artist is actually singing in the video. Majority of music videos when the artist is performing in the music video lip sync.
For example in the music video Blank Space from Taylor Swift she uses lip sync in her video.

Close up of the artist
Close up of the artist is because it is to show that they are the main person in the music video and the one who is most important. Close ups of the artist also portrait there image as an artist and for them to become recognizable to people viewing the video. Also regular close ups of the artist link in with lip synching because it gives a clearer indication that the artist is lip synching when it is a close up shot.
For example this is a close up of Sam Smith lip synching whilst performing in the music video for I'm not the only one.

Also artist's performing in a music video is to add a meaning to the song. Performance is when the artist performs in the video. Thus is because when the artist is performing they help make the video more interesting for the viewer to watch and help emphasis the use of lip synching. Some music videos rely on the performance in the music video to get across the real message of the song they have written. For example 'A Team' from Ed Sheeran the music video gives a real insight to what the song actually means because of the use of performance in the video. 

Here are some examples of Artists performing in music videos.

 Rita Ora and Iggy Azalea
 Ed Sheeran
 One Direction

Multiple locations
Multiple locations is important in a music video because it makes it more interesting for the audience. For example if you are watching a music video where it is fast paced and a change of location happens throughout the music video you will feel more involved when watching it, and won't want to stop the music video because you are bored.
An example of 3 or more locations used in a music video is Uptown funk by Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars

Costume is important in a music video because it has to suit the genre of your music video. For example if you are performing a 'Rock' music video you would expect dark clothing and a leather jacket. However if you had a video with colorful clothing it wouldn't link and would look wrong.

 R n B

Montage editing
Montage editing is a convention for music videos because it is when you edit the music video and change from clips in different locations or camera angle. For example if you are taking a long shot then the shot goes to a close up in one action this is montage editing it has to be done smoothly also.

Evaluation question

Evaluation question

The question we did was 'How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?'.
With this we spoke about how we made our products relate and come accross as effective to our target audience. We spoke about how and what we done and we spoke about the the combination of what we done was good and why it was linking with everything else.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Audience research

From this I discovered that our magazine advertisement and the album covers made it clear that the genre of our artist is pop which was a good result. The target audience that was seen from these covers was young people as pop tends to aim towards young people. To conclude the people I interviewed thought that our magazine advert was more professional than our cover but they thought that overall both our products look professional. Overall I felt that these were good results.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Construction post

This post is of me importing recent footage which we have recorded to enhance the chance of our work receiving a higher grade.
 This screen shot is importing the footage onto premier pro, which is the sof drive which we are using to create our video on.
 This screen shot is the footage which has been imported onto premier pro.
This screen shot is of the footage going on to the music video.

Monday 12 January 2015

Ancillary adjustments

This is a prezi on some of the adjustments that we had to make in order to improve our advert.

Thursday 8 January 2015


This is our digipak second draft in this draft we have made some adjustments.
For example on the first cover we have edited the title and the text to make it look more appropriate for our piece and visually exciting. We have also editing the range of distance the 5 figures of our artist are together.

For the back cover we have changed the font and made it suit our genre and make it look more pop like than what we had before which was plain and boring and not creative.

Advertisment ideas

Album Magazine research

Magazine advertisement

Sunday 4 January 2015

Magazine front cover analysis

The positioning of the boy and and how they are presented is very important. The five boys  are presented completely across the front cover with most of the magazine from cover being occupied with them with not a lot of background to show. This has been done to make the main focus of the magazine cover on One Direction and the magazine has done this for a unique selling point to brand out to people who like the bang One Direction.
All the boys are presented with high key lighting. This is done to reflect on the personality of the boys as they look bright maybe enabling them to come across as happy and joyful people, along with a few of them smiling.
The colour of the font used mainly was pink, this is due to the magazine aiming more towards women. This is another reason why using One Direction on the front cover is a great idea because the majority of One Direction fans are girls and women, therefore by putting them on the front cover it might give people an extra reason to buy the magazine.

Justin Bieber is positioned in the middle of the magazine due to the fact of Justin Bieber being the unique selling point of the issue of the magazine. Doing this enables Justin to be the main focus of the magazine cover. Justin Bieber also seems as if he is staring straight at us, this is due to him looking into the camera. This is very effective as it enables the feeling that the music artist is communicating and making eye contact with the buyer.
Yet again the main font used which stands out the most is pink, this could be because maybe this is a magazine which is branded more towards females. Doing so, Justin Bieber is the ideal person to have on the front cover as Justin Bieber as well as One Direction which have females as the majority of their fans. Therefore this would make this magazine more appealing to a wider range of people whilst promoting Justin as well.
The background of this magazine front cover is blurred out, the reason that this was done was to make Justin Bieber stand out more and make him the complete focus of the front cover.