Sunday 4 January 2015

Magazine front cover analysis

The positioning of the boy and and how they are presented is very important. The five boys  are presented completely across the front cover with most of the magazine from cover being occupied with them with not a lot of background to show. This has been done to make the main focus of the magazine cover on One Direction and the magazine has done this for a unique selling point to brand out to people who like the bang One Direction.
All the boys are presented with high key lighting. This is done to reflect on the personality of the boys as they look bright maybe enabling them to come across as happy and joyful people, along with a few of them smiling.
The colour of the font used mainly was pink, this is due to the magazine aiming more towards women. This is another reason why using One Direction on the front cover is a great idea because the majority of One Direction fans are girls and women, therefore by putting them on the front cover it might give people an extra reason to buy the magazine.

Justin Bieber is positioned in the middle of the magazine due to the fact of Justin Bieber being the unique selling point of the issue of the magazine. Doing this enables Justin to be the main focus of the magazine cover. Justin Bieber also seems as if he is staring straight at us, this is due to him looking into the camera. This is very effective as it enables the feeling that the music artist is communicating and making eye contact with the buyer.
Yet again the main font used which stands out the most is pink, this could be because maybe this is a magazine which is branded more towards females. Doing so, Justin Bieber is the ideal person to have on the front cover as Justin Bieber as well as One Direction which have females as the majority of their fans. Therefore this would make this magazine more appealing to a wider range of people whilst promoting Justin as well.
The background of this magazine front cover is blurred out, the reason that this was done was to make Justin Bieber stand out more and make him the complete focus of the front cover.

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