Monday 1 December 2014

Carol Vernallis- The kindest cut post

Carol Vernallis i well known for her views and theories on music videos. Carol's theory is that all music video have 4 key concepts which help manufacture the music video. The 4 concepts are;
  • Narrative 
  • Diegesis
  • Editing
  • Camera
Carol Vernallis believes in that what you see first you on screen will reflect what the lyrics you are hearing. However Carol Vernallis also says that what you see to what you are hearing can be disjointed and might seem like there's a link between the two so you will have to think carefully to get the true meaning of the lyrics and what the video means. However if the video isn't fully complete to a high standard then there could be parts of the narrative unanswered and the audience might not be fully aware of what the video is meant to be like.

Carol Vernallis believes that the easiest way to make a music video successful is by cutting to the beat. However it doesn't have to cut to the beat to make the video look good. This is because if you are good at editing. Actions are completed and stories are getting told but stories are not fully explained because a music video is short and it is hard to fit all of this in.
Some edits and visual movement can make the audience think differently when they hear the sound.
For example;
Extreme high and low angle shots
Canted and tilted shots
Long trakcing shots

Carol Vernallis also believes that close ups are the most important shots in a music video because they give us something which we can focus on and remember this is because they are close up in our face so it is more recognizable.

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