Monday 1 December 2014

One Direction - Up all night album cover

One direction is a group made up of five young boys. This is one of their album covers. Every single one of the members in the group are wearing bright colours of clothing and mainly of a similar colour. This is done to help present the boys personalities as bright and a positive one. This is done to help the audience feel as if they know the band of boys and it helps the audience to understand what sort of people the boys are by what they are wearing, for example if they were to all have hoodies up and were in a tracksuit they might stereotypically be seen as anti-social.
All the boys on the cover are smiling, this is extremely essential as they are a pop group and pop songs are never usually sad, therefore the smile is vital in putting across a positive vibe about the group and it almost give across the sense that they are just like brothers by the way they all seem to be very happy with each other with how their arms are around each other.
With their arms being around each other which is another deliberate action they done on purpose. The reason for this is to make all of them seem as a family and to make them come across as kind, happy and loving people to their fans. They also look like they are having fun, therefore they come across as people who like to enjoy themselves which then reflects the title of the album which is 'Up All Night' ,which if you was to assume what the album was about from the title then the assumption would be that it is a party album which would they be seen as a typical pop selection of songs.
The white background of the back cover promotes the personality of the five boys as it would suggest that they are innocent and bright as those are a the connotations of the colour that they would want their fan to feel about them.
The  use of the boys running together shows what sort of music group that they are. It shows that they are fun people and enjoy having a laugh and having fun, which helps to present their personality to their fans.
The music label SONY also used this as a chance to promote themselves by putting their name on the back cover of the album.

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