Friday 21 November 2014

Pop Music video analysis- Katy Perry 'This is how we do'

Costume: Throughout the whole of the music video the costume changes, it is predominantly sometimes the costume gives a excited and fun vibe because the costume is colourful. However the costume then is dark in other scenes which shows it is more serious. Also Katy Perry's hair changes throughout the video, it changes length and style. There is also different colours which have been placed into her hair.

Editing: Green screen is used throughout the whole of the music video. The pace of the editing in this video is very inconsistent because some parts in the video it is really quick and snappy and conventionally to a pop video. However it is then slow paced throughout other parts of the video which gives it a less conventionally approach to it.

Camera shots: There are a lot of mid shots to show Katy Perry's different outfits which she is wearing. there are more mid shots and long shots than there are close ups this is to promote the artists attire. So people might want to buy the clothing Katy Perry is wearing because they can see it in her music video and might want to dress like her. However there are still some conventional close ups of her face. Close ups of the face are to promote the artist.

ere are some examples of long/mid shots in the music video and also different costumes which are used in Katy Perry's music video.

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