Sunday 28 September 2014


We will be using a front room as this is a place we could show the artist happy and relaxed, possibly on his own or maybe with anyone else in the frame. This would be a good location to use as it would be setting a comfortable scene for the artist and whatever action or roll play he will be doing. We will be using high key lighting in this location to present the artist in a positive way.

We will also be using a bed as it would show the artist feeling comfortable with the actress as it will show the two of them looking happy and will set a love scene. We would be using high key lighting here as it would present the artist and the actress in a positive way as this is the way we want the artist to come across to the audience.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

How does the media industries lure in audiences of your genre?

How does the media industries lure in audiences of pop?
The way in which the music industry was produced a few years ago has changed. The big named artist are the ones that have changed it, from Lady Gaga to Miley Cyrus. The artist original music wasn't as controversial as it is in today society.  For example (left) Miley Cyrus '7 things' within this video the artist is singing to a camera with a band behind her. This song had 217,264,793 hits on YouTube . Where as one of her latest songs 'wrecking ball' of her being naked on a big ball swinging earned her 707,266,019 views on YouTube.  Making her one of the most viewed artist of all time.
So what is it that's making the target audience like these artist?

Todays Music artist use a lot of different types of setting. For example a candy cloud, this makes the setting visual interesting making the audience want to use their imagination.

They also have lots of different types of exaggerated hair colours and hair styles. This makes the performer look visually interesting.

The artist also sometimes wear unusual clothes to make them stand out and seem different, this make the audience want to know what they are going to wear next.

More examples are:
‘celebrity’ cameos
Messages & values
Shock/taboo topics/images
Gimmicks/viral videos


Monday 22 September 2014

Artist and their fans

Artist and their fans
Type of fans: young girls and guys. Most probably teenagers. However, all different types of people listen to his music. The type of music that he has produced are quite slow pasted and are stereotypically the type of music you would listen to when relaxing.  
Type of fans: Most of Justin Biebers fans are girls that are attracted to him. They type age that like his music are teenagers from 6-14 years old. However, his new music has pulled in a different range of audience. As his music has been made to sound different. The type of music that he produces is up beat and dance.   

Type of fans: The type of audience that would like his music are the younger generation that are aged from 6 to 11 as his music is very pop based and is disco type music.
Stereotypical audience
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Education: Primary School
Ethnicity: White British
Dress sense: fashionable


The music business is constantly expanding and attracting more people to want to get involved in the music business. Reasons for this are the range of talent and genre's in music to choose from, for example drum and bass and a contrast to this is Oprah these are to complete different types of music, and for different personalities. Music revenues grew in the past year in Europe and Latin America by 0.8% in trading. However music sales on a global scale where shocked that in Japan there was a 16.7% fall in which is meant to be the worlds second biggest market. Outside of Japan music revenues fell by 0.1% however if you then included Japan in to this it would have fell a massive 3.9% which is a massive 15$ billion dollars. Things that could of affected this big decrease in Japan is things such as pirate copies which is people selling music or letting people download it for free which will mean the artist of the song will not receive any money meaning that they might not be able to fund to make there music better in the future because they are not receiving all the money they are meant to receive.
The billboard website is a website where you can download your own music and it gives you information about the latest charts ratings and how good the song is doing at the present time.

Pop Genre

A common age for pop-fans are 11-18 Females and males because there is something in the pop industry for either gender. However A lot of adults are fans of pop music as well so realistically the age for pop is any age.  Although teenagers are the target audience.

This is an image of young one direction fans waiting for one direction fans to arrive to a concert. This shows that there status of them being pop-stars has brought them fame and thousands of fans that want to come and see them whenever they can. Also one direction have a so called 'Cool' dress sense and people want o dress like them because it is a cool and stylish look, which they think will help them get girls. One Direction fans age range between 8-18 this is because they are all young teenagers and find one direction an attractive group. Also with one direction at this present moment in time being the worlds most famous band this means that they have so much pressure on them to perform and that there fan base is only getting bigger not just in the united kingdom but also worldwide. 

Overwiew of the industry

The consuming of music

The industry’s digital revenues grew by 4.3 per cent in 2013 to US$5.9 billion. This tells us that the consumption of music in a digital format increased. This shows the decrease in sales by CD copies as most things are done digitally now. The industry is also not doing as well as it should be due to the amount of illegal downloading which occurs throughout the world, this causes the percentage not to incline as much as not as many people are buying the music in a legit way.

The audience for out genre
The audience for our genre is normally quite a young age around the teenage years. But pop is likes by all sorts of people and is made for anyone to listen to.
This is a list of the artists that 13 year olds listen to ranking them from the most popular. This shows that a lot of these artists and groups are listened to by young teenagers. The ethnicity is usually any as a lot of people worldwide listen to pop music, therefor the factor of ethnicity does not really matter as people from all ethnicities like pop. The dress code for girls are usually quite casual but also quite feminine as most girls like artists and groups with what they would call attractive boys e.g. one direction. One Direction are a group of four boys which are known worldwide and their main targeted audience are girls, which has been a success for them as many girls worldwide love them and their music but in some cases boys also listen to their music. Here are a few examples of pictures of fans showing their love for One Direction.

One Direction are a band which always gets in touch with the fans emotions. This is good as it enables the fans to have an emotional connection with the boy band meaning that One Direction have good fans.

This is a header which i saw on an online new article about a One Direction single which made fans cry. This is a shock as it is not often that you see fans cry over just listening to a song of a band, however in this instance fans cried over a song that One Direction made. This is a good sign for One Direction as it shows that they have an emotion connection through their lyrics and allows the fan to be connected to the song.

Another example of a shock from One Direction:

This is an article i found online about Justin Bieber fans urging that they will cut themselves if Justin didn't stop smoking cannabis. People on twitter also made a joke to go around to annoy Bieber fans saying that Justin Bieber had cancer so that fans could cut their hair in sympathy. This shows the extent Justin Bieber fans will go just for him, this is just a form of showing how some of Justin Biebers fans feel about him. This shows as well as One Direction that a lot of their fans have a very strong emotional connection with them

Overview of the music industry

Overview of the music industry
The music industry has changed over the last view eras and what we as the audience watch and listen to has adapted and changed the perception of how the music industry is.

Here are some statistics:
·      $15b is how much the music industry was worth in 2013.
·      $4.5b is the record companies’ annual investment in A&R and marketing.
·      39% is the proportion of the global industry revenues from digital channels.
·      +19% is the growth in performance rights revenue in 2013.

The music business continues to expand into new markets and create new business models, attracting more users to digital music services and bringing artists to a wider global audience. Making the artists attract more of a wider target market, which means that they buy more products, bringing in more total revenue.  

Here are the most global selling albums in 2013
 Here are the top selling singles of 2013

Thursday 18 September 2014

Music video Cocept presentation

Concept for Music video

 Memory ideas (for the photos)

 Having a laugh at one of the couples house. Within this we could use slow motion of them talking and laughing.

A fun day out shopping. This could be fast forward so it looks like is going fast.

A romantic dinner out, with lots of romantic gestures.

A picnic in the park, maybe let one of them spill something on them and film the situation.

A romantic walk down a street.

The man trying to take a picture of her but she doesnt want to.


Technical ideas which our group have thought of to use in our music video are;
Green Screen- The green screen is a very effective piece of technology because you are able to do so many different things with it. For example our group want to have a shot of the main actor singing in a moving picture, showing his love for the girl he is singing about.  
For example this video from "One direction" is a good example of what we are trying to achieve when we use the pictures moving. although our video will only have it featuring for around 10 seconds in the video this video gives us a good insight to how to do it perfectly.

Lighting: For our video it, because it's a pop video to use bright colour's when shooting our video. A pop video are mainly looking at the artist having fun and enjoying themselves and having bright colour's in the video will reflect there mood.

In this video of Justin Timberlake the lighting is very bright in the back ground which gives it that pop image. However where Justin is placed it is the lighting is darker. This is because of the song which he is producing. 

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Conventions from within this video

Justin Timberlake ft Ciara Love, Sex Magic
At the start there is a close up of the artist kissing. This is made to look seductive to the audience and is convention to a pop music video as it makes the artist seem appealing to the views. The fact that it is a close up makes the scene seem more intimate, which relates to the 
lyrics of the song 'Love Sex Magic'.
There is also lip syncing which is conventional to a music video as the audio has to stay the fame throughout. 

 There is also different types of lights used to enhance the artist. This is conventional for a pop music video as it makes the video seem more visually fun and exiting.
Throughout the video there are many different types of camera shots but the ones that stand out are the long shots, loose frame of the artist dancing, close ups and extreme close ups of the artist body.
Another conventional thing that is used is dancing within the video this makes the song feel more dynamic and makes it more exciting for the audience. A lot of the dancing is used to make the song have a sexy theme to it which related to the song.
 The costumes that are used are not you every day wear and are used to make a fashion statement, this is conventional to a pop video as it makes it more visually exciting. They are bright bold colours and in some of the scenes there is use of animal print. This makes them seem aggressive and illuminates them from how the everyday person dresses making the viewer seem like they are watching something that is from a different place. Therefor making a fashion statement.

The lighting within the video is quite dark, however the artist is highlighted within the scene by different lighting. For example, lasers.

Even as the vocals of the artist is still playing the camera stays on the artist and shows them not singing. This makes the video have more than one type of scene for each scene. This also allows the audience to realize that they have filmed it more than once.

Throughout the video the movement is quite slow almost slow motion which makes the video come across as more flirtatious.


Conventions within this pop video

Justin Bieber all that matters
  • At the start of the video there there is a blue flicker of light coming from the projector. This makes the video look vintage. It is conventional as the color is a bold bright color which is usual found within pop music videos. The color also stimulates purity and sexy at the same time.
  • There is also a close up of the girls hand around the artist waste. This makes the audience know that they have love or lust for each other. This is conventional for a music video as in pop videos they sing about love and by touching each other they are implying it.
  • When the artist isn't  singing and standing with the girl, the way they move is like its in slow motion, making what he is singing about imply that he wants his love to be for a long and slow time. This is conventional for a pop music video as it makes the artist appear to be more relaxed.
  • This music video was filmed in a studio with very few objects around the artist. This makes the audience put all their attention into the main things that are going on. This is conventional to a pop music video as within a pop video the artist normally sing in front of a green screen. 
  • Lip syncing is also within this video and is also convention for the type of genre of song.
  • Within the video there was a lot of different camera angles used. I felt that the close up of the radio was effective as it was were all the music was coming from making it that power source of the video. The loose frame of the artist was also effective as it made them seem like they were the ones that only mattered. There was also close ups/extreme close ups of their faces kissing, this made it feel more intimate, as well as the close up of their lips. 
  • Within each scene there was a change of costume as well which made it feel like it was a different time and scene, making the song feel like its been sung everywhere. I noticed that artist is wearing a lot of jewellery which i would consider a convention factor of a pop music video.