Tuesday 16 September 2014

pop Video anaysis

Black Widow Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora

Mise en scene 
 The Music video first starts in a dinner where a man and woman are ordering something to eat, although they are not singing at this point it helps the audience understand their characters and what they are singing about. This also allows the audience to see the singers for the first time. Then in the background behind the waitress (Iggy) there is an image of super hero that are woman this allows the audience to understand what the woman is thinking about. This is the introduction to the song then there is a graphic match of the waitress cutting up lettuce to someone waving a sword. Then the scene is in a deserted area with a warrior like woman. Then we see both the singers standing back to back singing and clapping in beat with the song. then we as the audience follow the singers as they go on a journey to try to kill someone. Their costumes within the song are very tight fitting all in ones that are bold colours such as white and black. This is to make the artist look seductive and appealing to their target audience. As this is a pop video its target audience is the younger generation. Throughout the video they use both high and low key lighting to make certain thing stand out and make them more prominent.

Camera work 
At the start of the introduction of there is a medium shot of the artist and the actor walking into the café. This makes it clear to the audience who the song is directed at. Then there is a close up of the mans foot squashing a Black Widow spider. This relates to the song as the song is called Black Widow. Then the screen cuts to a medium shot of the other artist ( Iggy) and introduces her. An over the shoulder shot is used when the waitress takes the customers orders. This allows the audience to see that the waitress has no respect for the male customer and therefor looks down on him. Then there is a pull focus to the café owner who is behind the main artist as she jumps over the table. This show the audience that she has more authority over the waiters.  Then there is a pan of the camera as it follows the waitress to the kitchen. As the waitress enters the kitchen there is tracking as it goes from her legs to her shirt that she is wearing. As it has the name of the burger that the owner previously just referred to. Then there is an over the shoulder shot of the waitress with a poster of two super Hero's on it. Which is how the artist look within the next scene. There is then a graphic match of the waitress cutting a piece of lettuce to a sword swinging. This allows the audience to realize that they are the same person.
Through out the video it is in slow motion, this works effective as they are fighting as it allows the audience to see the technique behind their fighting then there are moments within the fighting where it goes to its normal paste. This is convention for this type of  pop music video as it contrast to the speed of the song. As the artist is driving there is lots of bright colours passing them. This is to show that they are moving fast and is conventional to a pop music video as pop videos have a lot of bright colours.

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