Thursday 11 September 2014

Conventional pop things within a Music video

Justin Bieber all that matters
  • At the start of the video there there is a blue flicker of light coming from the projector. This makes the video look vintage. It is conventional as the color is a bold bright color which is usual found within pop music videos. The color also stimulates purity and sexy at the same time.
  • There is also a close up of the girls hand around the artist waste. This makes the audience know that they have love or lust for each other. This is conventional for a music video as in pop videos they sing about love and by touching each other they are implying it.
  • When the artist isn't  singing and standing with the girl, the way they move is like its in slow motion, making what he is singing about imply that he wants his love to be for a long and slow time. This is conventional for a pop music video as it makes the artist appear to be more relaxed.
  • This music video was filmed in a studio with very few objects around the artist. This makes the audience put all their attention into the main things that are going on. This is conventional to a pop music video as within a pop video the artist normally sing in front of a green screen. 
  • Lip syncing is also within this video and is also convention for the type of genre of song.
  • Within the video there was a lot of different camera angles used. I felt that the close up of the radio was effective as it was were all the music was coming from making it that power source of the video. The loose frame of the artist was also effective as it made them seem like they were the ones that only mattered. There was also close ups/extreme close ups of their faces kissing, this made it feel more intimate, as well as the close up of their lips. 
  • Within each scene there was a change of costume as well which made it feel like it was a different time and scene, making the song feel like its been sung everywhere. I noticed that artist is wearing a lot of jewellery which i would consider a convention factor of a pop music video.

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