Tuesday 16 September 2014

Conventions from within this video

Justin Timberlake ft Ciara Love, Sex Magic
At the start there is a close up of the artist kissing. This is made to look seductive to the audience and is convention to a pop music video as it makes the artist seem appealing to the views. The fact that it is a close up makes the scene seem more intimate, which relates to the 
lyrics of the song 'Love Sex Magic'.
There is also lip syncing which is conventional to a music video as the audio has to stay the fame throughout. 

 There is also different types of lights used to enhance the artist. This is conventional for a pop music video as it makes the video seem more visually fun and exiting.
Throughout the video there are many different types of camera shots but the ones that stand out are the long shots, loose frame of the artist dancing, close ups and extreme close ups of the artist body.
Another conventional thing that is used is dancing within the video this makes the song feel more dynamic and makes it more exciting for the audience. A lot of the dancing is used to make the song have a sexy theme to it which related to the song.
 The costumes that are used are not you every day wear and are used to make a fashion statement, this is conventional to a pop video as it makes it more visually exciting. They are bright bold colours and in some of the scenes there is use of animal print. This makes them seem aggressive and illuminates them from how the everyday person dresses making the viewer seem like they are watching something that is from a different place. Therefor making a fashion statement.

The lighting within the video is quite dark, however the artist is highlighted within the scene by different lighting. For example, lasers.

Even as the vocals of the artist is still playing the camera stays on the artist and shows them not singing. This makes the video have more than one type of scene for each scene. This also allows the audience to realize that they have filmed it more than once.

Throughout the video the movement is quite slow almost slow motion which makes the video come across as more flirtatious.


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